The Critical Dunes Program was developed in response to the realization that Michigan’s sand dunes are a unique, fragile, and irreplaceable resource that provides many benefits to both the citizens of Michigan as well as Michigan’s thriving tourism industry. A “critical dune area” is defined as a specific geographic area that is designated in the “atlas of critical dune areas,” dated February 1989 and prepared by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, now known as the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).
Certain activities and uses are forbidden within a critical dune area, while other activities can only be conducted if a permit has first been obtained from the local unit of government or EGLE.
We have assisted clients with critical dunes permit applications, as well as represented clients aggrieved by EGLE permit decisions. If you have questions about the Critical Dunes Program and how it relates to the development and use of your property, please give us a call.