When a major telecommunications company targets a particular property or location for a new cell tower, to the local citizens and residents impacted by the tower, it can seem like a foregone conclusion that they will have to simply suck it up and bear the loss of property value and live in the shadow of the looming tower.
However, that does not need to be the case. The allowable location of cellular towers is highly regulated and is controlled by local zoning ordinances, as well as various state and federal laws. Recently, T-Mobile proposed adding just such a tower on a Christian elementary school playground in Grandville. However, the neighbors fought back and, with the knowledge and experience of attorneys W. Brad Groom and Rachel L. Terpstra, were able to defeat the proposed cell tower. A careful review of the local ordinance clearly showed that the location, a Christian elementary playground, was not one of the allowable locations for locating a monotype cell tower under the local ordinance.
Experience counts. When things seem insurmountable, the litigation team at Gielow Groom Terpstra & McEvoy may be able to help.
For more on the recent Grandville cell tower defeat, see the local FoxNews story:
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